until next time ....
This is the same internal dialogue we have withourselves , every single time we slip up on our diet, isn't it ?
oops, never again , etc etc.
so why do we have it so many times ????
its a FULL TIME commitment, more than full time , its like a parenting type commitment , it never really ends , not at 18, not at 21, not at 41, it goes on and on ...
so think , Would you yell at your child for having a cookie, when she should have had a apple? no most likely not ( and if you do you have some deeper food issues than I am qulaified to help with)
so , why do we beat ourselves up .
my life is the very definitin of upheaval.
in the past 3 years , i have worked for 2 different outside companies, plus the other company I co own with my husband , plus this , i have moved half way across the country, been out of the home on work for over a month , and yes, lost my diet way.
it happens to everyone , its a journey not a destination. etc etc ...
trust your gut to tell you what you need.
you need to become one with your own anatomy, do not ignore it, but rememebr it is you TOOL to be WHO YOU ARE !!
embrace and welcome change, all change is growth!
I am still a WORK IN PROGRESS!