I am frustrated and sad...
Do you know why ??? Do you ? really ?!!! I had a friend tell me she is quitting
Because she is not losing fast enough...
In her mind, she has lost 12 lbs in 3 months, and that is not FAST ENOUGH btw thats a POUND a week..
and would equal 52 lbs this year..
So she is going to a family member to get a weight loss wrap and she bought some green coffee bean pills , and she doesnt like to work out etc etc...
Please keep in mind this is also a woman who could not commit to 30 minutes of exercise daily
she also is not tracking calories or intake - accurately.
Truth is - she is doomed to fail at this point, because she wants what we all want -
Quick results - minimum effort.
30 lbs in 30 days , etc etc , all the attention grabbing headlines in the magazine racks at the grocery store..
"Thats not how it works,thats not how any of this works" .. To quote the lady from the insurance commercial.
There is a $20 BILLION DOLLAR industry out there , designed to
Flim Flam
Sell you Snake Oil
-whatever you want to call it.
What they really really don't want, inspite of all they say, they do not want to lose you as a customer.
You are a potential REVENUE Stream-
Everytime a diet fails you and you try a new one , some guy is sitting in his office in a shady dark basementat the bottom of a 50 story multiplex office rubbing his grimy hands together coughing out ciggarette smoke and saying , hmmm "What can we sell them today" dang we got all this ummm.. coffee bean extract that no one wants ... hmmm.. yeah lets do that ...
Everytime I hear this from someone I feel like i am seeing another person get swallowed in by the Tar Pit that is this industry and all the false claims and misleading information and silly food restrictive diets ..
Do not buy into it .
Simple .
Weight loss is HARD -
Doing nothing is EASY
Remember when grandpa said nothing good is easy?
Hard work and Perseverance.
We battle with our weight every day, we battle with our inner natural genetic code, it tells us we "need" this weight. because you know - famine- zombie apocolypse and all that.
I know - I am right there with you in the trenches , Fighting my own battle of the bulge.
Yeah thats right , I am a Weight loss and Exercise coach who is (ominious music) FAT!
ive lost 50 lbs this past year, i still have more to go . I have educated myself and am here to hold your hand as you navigate the same mine fields I navigate every single day.