Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I am often surprised when people as me for before and after pictures. I am not done losing weight , and will not be I suspect for another year ..
so so far there is no "after" I am still a work in progress
I know those photos are very inspiring, and unless they are dated have no logical proof of what can happen
Weight loss is a non linear journey , its ongoing and it really never ends.. you have to focus on staying in shape and toned and fit , otherwise you risk becoming your before picture again.

here are some progress pictures .
January 2013

June 2013

November 2013

May 2014

now what do these prove ?
NOTHING the first 3 pictures are all right around 275-265
the bottom one is about 255
there is not a lot of difference is there? but its about a 20lb loss...
See weight loss - unless its extreme with your fat self is not always glaringly obvious , not even 20 lbs. Hairstyles change easier than your weight

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