The short answer obviously is no of course not.
The issue is your choices just like anything else in life we have ample opportunity to make good or bad choices.
The easiest is obviously where.
Rule of thumb if it has a drive thru. Avoid..
The issue is your choices just like anything else in life we have ample opportunity to make good or bad choices.
The easiest is obviously where.
Rule of thumb if it has a drive thru. Avoid..
While I am aware that it is possible to make fantastic healthy choices at restaurants that have drive thru offerings
When you're first starting out on your change in life they're probably best if we did not go to those restaurants in the first place.
Since we know that much of the United States is epidemic related to the prevalence of fast food and poor nutrition choices it generally goes without saying that s the same places that help contribute to those conditions should be avoided.
Since we know that much of the United States is epidemic related to the prevalence of fast food and poor nutrition choices it generally goes without saying that s the same places that help contribute to those conditions should be avoided.
Same thing for any place with a buffet. portion distortion is one of the biggest challenges to losing and maintaining a healthfull weight
If you have a choice during the first six months of your journey these are not good places to go.
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