Sunday, June 16, 2013

Who says??????

Who told you you were doomed to be fat

Who told you that you are unworthy of optimum health

who told you that you could not do this or that exercise

Who told you that you could never ride a bike

Who said you couldn't walk a 5k race

Who said you couldn't run a 5k race

I talk to people so often and on weight loss as well as other things that they have  allowed to hold them back.

And we often find that what's holding us back is not someone else
it's us
its inside our head
its that self defeating talk that we engage in on a constant basis
I'm not good enough
I'm not smart enough
I'm not thin enough
I'm not healthy enough
I'm not pretty enough
for guys
I'm not strong enough
I'm not mature enough
I'm not masculine enough
I'll never be ripped never be the optimum body type

Your body type is determined solely by how much willing ever you are to put into it anyone can have that  "Beach body" for some people it's gonna be a lot easier for other people its going to be a lot harder

regardless if you're willing to work at it and that's the goal that you want you can get it

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