I bet you see ads like this all the time .
Chances are if you are trying to lose weight you have seen or heard all of this
"bally hoo"
The one trick you need to know for a flatter belly
10 foods not to eat
Lose 30 lbs in 30 days with this one easy trick
Top story on this new weight loss pill
Supplement recommended by famous TV doctor
New diet drops cause amazing fat loss
Every last one of them are lies
I am here to tell you ,that is exactly what they are .
if you eat all your normal foods but just take this pill or drink that tea or take that injection
All the ads that tout that you do not have to change a thing , or exercise, just take that product.
Its snake oil.
its a lie
if you do what you have always done you will get what you have always gotten
if i hit your hand with a hammer 10 times, what makes you think that if I do it again , somehow on the 11th time it wont hurt anymore??
Would you buy that , from anyone ?
No of course not - would you go to this gal over here for diet advice, but come on , shes thin has fake boobs and bleached hair and a on tan , she must know whats healthy, look see she is in a bikini, or workout clothes, she must know what she is saying
Its all a load of BS
right here on this page, right now dear reader, I am going to reveal to you the truth
the ultimate diet truth , the one thing that is guaranteed to produce results in 100% of normal healthy adults who simply need to shed some weight
Are you ready for it ?
Ok , grab a pen and paper because you are going to want to right this down
its that important to you and your future health
there is only 2 simple ways of losing weight
Eati less and Move more.
Yes it is that simple
When you combine those two deceptively simple rules , you are absolutely guaranteed to lose weight.
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